Glamdring FAQ

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions are here to satisfy your hunger for knowledge. Please ask, if you can't find the question which is bothering your mind and an answer to it.

  • What kind of car it is?
  • 1975 Mercedes-Benz W115 240D turbo.
  • So is it an old taxi?
  • Even if many of these old Mercedes' in Finland have been used as a taxi, this one hasn't been a taxi or at least I'm not aware of it. The original blue color (920 Tiefblau) doesn't support the taxi theory. There is a rumour that the car was a car for presentative purpoises at the international CSCE meating in Helsinki in 1975, but this is just a rumour. I should find out the true history of the car from the Finnish Vechile Administration AKE.
  • W115? Isn't it 200-series?
  • Mercedes doesn't have 200-, 300-, 500- or other "series". The models are numbered by chassis and the number at the rear of the car usually tells you the size of the engine. The chassis of this car is W115 and the engine is 240D (type: OM616) four cylinder diesel engine with a turbo.

    These W114 and 115 beauties were made 1968-1976. In Germany they are also known as '/8' because the model was introduced in 1968. W115 has a four or five cylinder engine and W114 has a six cylinder engine. Otherwise these two models (W114 and W115) are pretty much the same.
  • A turbo! Is it original?
  • No it isn't original. It is a bolt on set by Garret and STT. This chassis model never had a turbo installed by the manufacturer.

    And it isn't very "sporty", but with a turbo it has enough power and torgue to climb on top of a hill without dropping the speed. ;)
  • For how long you have had it?
  • I've had the car since July 1995 and I think I'll have it "until the death do us apart". Meaning that I'm not going to sell it just for few euro and have regrets later on. I bought a new daily driver and this old "war horse" was retired. The future will show what will happen with the W115.
  • What does the Glamdring mean?
  • In Finland a car with a diesel engine is often called "a soot hammer", which isn't very surprasing. This car isn't a soot hammer, it is the Foe-hammer or in other words Glamdring. Actually the literal translation of glam is 'noise', not 'foe', which is quite accurate. The old diesel engine is not very quiet. =)

latest update: 09/13/06

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